
Niles Partners Inc.


Niles Partners Inc.

A web server designed for reverse proxying, caching, media streaming and stability,

The goal behind NGINX was to create the fastest web server around, and maintaining that excellence is still a central goal of the project. NGINX consistently beats Apache and other servers in benchmarks measuring web server performance. Since the original release of NGINX however, websites have expanded from simple HTML pages to dynamic, multifaceted content. NGINX has grown along with it and now supports all the components of the modern Web, including WebSocket, HTTP/2, and streaming of multiple video formats (HDS, HLS, RTMP, and others). Basic HTTP server features Serving static and index files, autoindexing; open file descriptor cache; Accelerated reverse proxying with caching; load balancing and fault tolerance; Accelerated support with caching of FastCGI, uwsgi, SCGI, and memcached servers; load balancing and fault tolerance; Modular architecture. Filters include gzipping, byte ranges, chunked responses, XSLT, SSI, and image transformation filter. Multiple SSI inclusions within a single page can be processed in parallel if they are handled by proxied or FastCGI/uwsgi/SCGI servers; SSL and TLS SNI support; Support for HTTP/2 with weighted and dependency-based prioritization. Other HTTP server Features Name-based and IP-based virtual servers; Keep-alive and pipelined connections support; Access log formats, buffered log writing, fast log rotation, and syslog logging; 3xx-5xx error codes redirection; The rewrite module: URI changing using regular expressions; Executing different functions depending on the client address; Access control based on client IP address, by password (HTTP Basic authentication) and by the result of subrequest; Mail proxy server features User redirection to IMAP or POP3 server using an external HTTP authentication server; User authentication using an external HTTP authentication server and connection redirection to an internal SMTP server; Authentication methods: POP3: USER/PASS, APOP, AUTH LOGIN/PLAIN/CRAM-MD5; IMAP: LOGIN, AUTH LOGIN/PLAIN/CRAM-MD5; SMTP: AUTH LOGIN/PLAIN/CRAM-MD5; SSL support; STARTTLS and STLS support. TCP/UDP proxy server features Generic proxying of TCP and UDP; SSL and TLS SNI support for TCP; Load balancing and fault tolerance; Access control based on client address; Executing different functions depending on the client address; Architecture and scalability One master and several worker processes; worker processes run under an unprivileged user; Flexible configuration; Reconfiguration and upgrade of an executable without interruption of the client servicing;