4-weeks Data Science Proof of Concept

Hitachi Solutions

A common approach to exploring the opportunity with data science begins with an idea from a business or technology leader.

Hitachi Solutions Advanced Analytics DataLab is surprisingly simple. It helps you leverage the power of a collaborative workspace and enables analysts, modelers, and data scientists to ingest, mold, sculp, model, and visualize data solutions big and small. The lab uses Azure cloud resources for infinite scalability and total cost efficiency, and results in your building solutions that can run in production and be consumed by your users.

Hitachi Solutions data experts will work closely with your team to identify data and, within four weeks, will deliver a robust modeling environment designed to accelerate your cloud journey.

Week 1 Define common data sets source location, build and secure Azure infrastructure and networking Data sources finalized Azure environment configured Coderepo established

Week 2 Organize ingestion source and destinations, configure computing resources, and establish links to code Data ingested into DataLab Workspace configured for analysts

Week 3 Pipeline libraries: transformation code templates for jumpstart, dashboard/model development examples Standardized data model Initial concept for end-to-end model deployment

Week 4 Data pipeline: transformation, dashboard/ model development Curated Delta Lake zones structured on Azure Data Lake Storage
