Azure Networking Assessment: 4-hour Assessment

Professional Advantage Pty Ltd

Understand how your network needs to change for a move to Azure.

Is your enterprise network originally not designed for cloud compatibility? Transitioning to the cloud without optimising these networks can lead to cost hikes, security vulnerabilities, operational complexities, and user experience issues.

That is why we offer an assessment service to help your organisation determine the best path to a high-performance hybrid cloud architecture.

Our 4-hour Azure Networking Assessment will provide you with a high-level cloud networking strategy and actionable next steps to help you optimise Azure Networking Services for your workloads and integrate it successfully with your existing network.

Azure Networking Assessment Scope:

  • Evaluate your current cloud networking state and review your desired goals and options for optimisation and improvement.
  • Review the Azure Services applicable to your specific use case, discuss the technical feature of each and compare costs between options (e.g. Express Route, Virtual WAN, Azure Front Door, Application Gateway, Azure DNS, etc).
  • Recommend ways to optimise your workloads for Azure Networking Services.

Key Information:

4-hour assessment delivered virtually through Microsoft Teams.