AVS - Azure VMware Solution - 4 Hour Workshop


In this AVS - Azure VMware Solution workshop we will work with you to understand your current VMware environment, explain the benefits of using AVS and identify the appropriate next steps

At Sol-Tec, we are experts at helping organisations like yours move quickly and easily to the cloud. Our Azure VMware Solution Workshop helps you understand how you could realise the benefits of moving and integrating your VMware based workloads to Azure.

Our AVS - Azure VMWare Solution lets you:

  • Seamlessly move VMware-based workloads from your datacenter to Azure
  • Integrate your VMware environment with Azure.
  • Keep managing your existing environments with the same VMware tools you already know
  • Modernise your applications with Azure native services.
  • Azure VMware Solution is a Microsoft service, verified by VMware, that runs on Azure infrastructure

Seamlessly integrate your existing VMware environment with Azure

  • Easily move your VMware workloads to Azure and increase your productivity with elasticity, scale, and fast provisioning cycles. View and create vSphere VMs in the Azure portal via API calls or CLI, automate deployments, and enable single sign-