Avanade Microsoft Fabric Enablement & Transition Workshop

Avanade, Inc.

We believe Microsoft Fabric is a game-changer, fusing the success of Power BI and Office SaaS with the robust Azure Data Platform.

By embracing open standards like Spark and the Delta Lakehouse format, and integrating innovative AI tools like OpenAI and Copilot, it side steps vendor lock-in and unlocks a new level of data innovation.

Microsoft has taken a pivotal step with Fabric, and Avanade has been right there alongside them. We've been working closely with the Microsoft Fabric program teams over the past year, providing valuable feedback as part of the partner private preview. This intimate knowledge of the platform, combined with our vast experience in delivering large-scale data platforms for our clients, positions us uniquely to guide your journey with Fabric.

At Avanade, we believe in the transformative potential of Microsoft Fabric. It's not just about the technology - it's about the opportunities it can unlock for your business. The SaaS platform has the potential to provide significant optimizations in running costs, while also boosting time to value through simplification and the enablement of self-service across the delivery cycle.

We've seen the future of data management and analytics, and it's woven into the Fabric platform. Let Avanade guide you to the next level of data-driven insights and success. our streamlined onboarding package paves the way, employing repeatable frameworks to accelerate your journey and maximize value.

That’s why we’re launching a range of engagement opportunities through our offering. We want to work together with out clients to help them understand the full potential of Microsoft Fabric. The offering not only educates clients on the platform, it will also help drive client adoption of Fabric and drive greater Azure consumption.

Our primary engagement is a 4-hour workshop. We’ll introduce the platform, the technology that underpins it, and showcase what’s possible when clients adopt a unified data, analytics and AI platform.

We also offer a 2–4-weeks activation, where Avanade will enable Microsoft Fabric on your Power BI Tenant and connect your existing Data Platform. We’ll ensure the activation is low-risk for your business, requiring minimal changes to your existing data estate and workflows. In a separate engagement, we’ll co-create an operating model and fully train teams in a month or less.

Finally, we’re offering clients a full optimization, moving from existing PaaS to the new SaaS platform. We’ll cocreate a data strategy and plan, and then migrate from your current data platform to Microsoft Fabric. Over the course of 2-6 months, we can help clients simplify their data and its management, reduce cost and complexity, and accelerate business value.

*Pricing will vary based on the scope of the engagement.
