Azure WAF Consultancy: 5-day Assessment


Interactive Workshops with Experienced Cloud Specialists to introduce the Azure Well-Architected Framework, conduct a WAF review, and provide recommendations.

The Well-Architected Framework provides valuable insights and recommendations for anyone involved in the lifecycle of a workload. Regardless of your role in a workload team, if you have the authority to make decisions within the scope of a workload, you can benefit from this framework. The primary objective of the Well-Architected Framework is to set you up for success when you deploy your workload on Azure.

The Cisilion Well-Architected Framework review is a five-day engagement comprising the following phases:

Day 1 – Explore

  • Introduction – What is the Well-Architected Framework?
  • Gain an understanding of the customer environment.
  • Identify key stakeholders and business owners.
  • Define outcomes.
  • Provide an interactive overview of Azure Advisor.
  • Perform a Well-Architected Framework assessment.

Day 2 – Plan

  • Discover where the customer is on their cloud journey.
  • Provide an in-depth analysis of Azure Advisor recommendations.
  • Provide an in-depth analysis of the Well-Architected Framework assessment.
  • Identify gaps and quick wins.

Days 3 & 4 – Assess

  • Prepare recommendations based on the five pillars of the Well-Architected Framework.

    Reliability Security Cost optimisation Operational excellence Performance efficiency

  • Create a RAG (Red/Amber/Green) report on the output from Azure Advisor

Day 5 – Adopt

  • A working session with the customer team to:
  • Review any identified priority issues.
  • Share recommendations.
  • Jointly create high-level plans for improvement or mitigation.
  • Discuss next steps.