Content Extraction from Complex Document

Saxon Global Inc.

Discover How Intelligent Content Extraction Automation Can Transform Your Business


Are you tired of manually entering purchase order data? Automate your process with Saxon and eliminate this tedious task. Our state-of-the-art AI processes purchase orders with unmatched accuracy and speed, saving you time and reducing errors.

Handling a high volume of Purchase Orders (POs) can be daunting. Manual processing of thousands of POs each month consumes extensive human resources, is prone to errors, and is highly inefficient. Saxon's intelligent PO automation solution addresses these challenges, streamlining your order processing workflow. Using Gen AI & Azure from recognizer it extracts the data from agreements & contracts.


  1. Automated extraction of PO data from SharePoint storage.
  2. Mapping of salesperson data using customer account number.
  3. Conversion of Unit of Measurement (UOM) to a standard format (EA).
  4. Validation of extracted PO data using Azure Form Recognizer.
  5. Identification and notification of duplicate POs.
  6. Secure upload of validated and extracted PO data to SFTP storage.
  7. Dashboards for monitoring unprocessed and duplicate POs.

Challenges in Manual PO Processing:

  • Email Reception: Employees must check delivery dates and other details to prioritize POs
  • Manual Data Entry: Line items, categories, quantities, addresses, customer details, and sales personnel details are manually entered into the SAP system.
  • Order Creation: Delivery orders are manually created in the SAP system.
  • Verification: Ensuring accuracy by verifying delivery orders against purchase orders.

Key Benefits:

  • Cost and Time Savings: Leveraging the experience of processing over 1 million documents, Saxon's AI achieves exceptional time and cost efficiency.
  • 100% Correct Data: Matches extracted data with your master data using sophisticated validation logic to ensure accuracy.
  • Versatile Format Handling: Processes PDFs, emails, Excel spreadsheets, and faxes without needing template management.
  • Global Compatibility: Intuitively understands new formats, layouts, and foreign languages, enabling seamless processing of international orders.

Why Saxon's AI:

  1. Get Ready to transform the way you work and unleash the full potential of your organization with our Content Extraction tool.

Reach out today at to kickstart your journey towards a more cost-efficient Azure AI environment.