Terraform on Azure for Governance and Infrastructure Scalability

SNP Technologies

Terraform powered by SNP Technologies Inc. can efficiently deploy, scale, and monitor infrastructure.

As corporations strive to strengthen infrastructure governance, they face the challenge of regulating enterprise-scale infrastructure. SNP overcomes the challenge through the SNP module accelerator, which effectively leverages governance concepts and deploys them to meet your business demands.

In our 4-week engagement, we will collaborate with you to identify resources for a proof of concept. We then provide a IaC code base and orchestration framework to support your Governance requirements.

An Infrastructure Governance Platform lays the groundwork for applying standard Terraform modules to the appropriate Azure subscription/management group.

With an Infrastructure Governance Platform, you can enable capabilities...

Consistency: Maintain similar infrastructure configurations across multiple environments Version Control: to track, review and approve infrastructure code changes Scalable and Reusable azure infrastructure built as code with modular approachh Governance Policies as Code: Defining Governance policies as code to govern what and where should the resources be deployed Continuous Development and Deployment: to deploy the entire infrastructure in a single click Rollback and Disaster Recovery: make recovery from disasters much easier by utilizing the IaC framework

Our 4-step approach will cover:

Azure Landing Zone Design/Assess Module Planning and development Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery Documentation, Knowledge Transfer and Day-2 support

Engagement Deliverables: Azure Infrastructure deployed in a dev/test environment Terraform Modules for each Azure resource Documentation

Next steps Production deployment Extend to more Azure resources
