Copilot for GitHub Adoption Accelerator Program - 14 Weeks


Focusing on improving code quality, Security & Compliance around GitHub Copilot, improving developer morale and velocity of features, fixes, and enhancements.

Enterprises often face the challenge of leveraging GitHub Copilot to enhance developer experience and productivity while avoiding legal issues, security risks, data hygiene, AI governance, and end-user readiness. Trace3's solution is a tailored GitHub Copilot Acceleration Program encompassing four phases: Assess, Envision, Design, and Execute. This program is designed to establish a foundation, vision, plan, and pilot for adopting GitHub Copilot, including a center of excellence, a value realization framework, and a success narrative for the enterprise.

The GitHub Copilot adoption program, a transformative tool designed to elevate your development process and accelerate application velocity. By integrating GitHub Copilot into your workflow, you can expect a significant boost in coding efficiency, enabling you to deliver high-quality applications faster and more reliably.

Empowering Developers with AI: GitHub Copilot is an AI-powered coding assistant that offers real-time suggestions for code completion, bug fixes, and optimization. This innovative tool empowers your developers to focus on creative problem-solving while it handles the routine coding tasks, leading to a remarkable increase in productivity.

Success Stories That Inspire: Many of our clients have already experienced the transformative impact of GitHub Copilot. For instance, one of our clients in the financial sector reported a 30% reduction in development time for new applications, directly translating to increased Azure Consumption and a competitive edge in the market. Another client in the healthcare industry leveraged GitHub Copilot to streamline their development pipeline, resulting in a 25% improvement in application deployment speed and enhanced patient services.

Tailored to Your Needs: Our program is not a one-size-fits-all solution. We work closely with you to identify specific use cases and tailor the adoption strategy to align with your business objectives. This personalized approach ensures that GitHub Copilot becomes an integral part of your development ecosystem, driving efficiency and innovation.

Seamless Integration and Support: We understand that adopting new technology can be challenging, which is why we offer comprehensive support throughout the process. From onboarding and training to continuous monitoring and feedback, our team is dedicated to ensuring a smooth transition and maximizing the benefits of GitHub Copilot for your organization.

Drive Azure Adoption: By increasing application velocity, GitHub Copilot not only enhances your development capabilities but also drives Azure Adoption. As your applications become more sophisticated and your development cycles shorten, you'll naturally utilize more cloud native Azure services, further integrating your operations with the robust Azure ecosystem.

GitHub Copilot's adoption is designed to not only improve the developer experience but also to create a ripple effect that boosts Microsoft Azure Native Services through increased application development, secure and governed AI integration, and measurable productivity gains