Azure Marketplace
Layanan Konsultasi
Cari Marketplace
Azure Marketplace
Cari Marketplace
Azure Marketplace
Cari Marketplace
Azure Marketplace
Cari Marketplace
Area Solusi
App Modernization
AI + Machine Learning
Big Data
Data Platform
Datacenter Management
Disaster Recovery
Internet of Things
Migrasi >
Service Types
Pricing Model
Semua hasil
.NET App Modernisation: 2-Wk Code Review
1 out of 60
Microsoft Azure Infrastructure: 2-Hours Briefing
2 out of 60
Microsoft Azure Deployment: 2-Hours Briefing
3 out of 60
Migration to Cloud Backup: 5-Weeks Implementation
4 out of 60
Microsoft Azure Consultation
5 out of 60
EchoStor Azure Landing Zone Microsoft
6 out of 60
Modernizing Enterprise Applications
7 out of 60
Azure Arc Data Service
8 out of 60
Migration to Azure: 4-week implementation
9 out of 60
Data Migration: 2-Day Assessment
10 out of 60
Kubernetes Sailing Trip: 2 tägiger Workshop
11 out of 60
Expleo Ireland Consulting Services
12 out of 60
Microsoft Certification Exam Preparation: 8 Hours Workshop
13 out of 60
Migração servidores Windows/Linux: Avaliação de 5 dias
14 out of 60
"Modernização de Aplicações com Azure": 24-wk Assessment
15 out of 60
Database Migration: A 3-Week Workshop
16 out of 60
Application Migration: A 3-Week Workshop
17 out of 60
Data Lake on Azure - 3 Week Assessment
18 out of 60
Infrastructure Migration - 3-Week Workshop
19 out of 60
Azure Virtual Desktop: 4-Week Implementation
20 out of 60
Azure Arc – Workshop with CloudNow
21 out of 60
SVA Kostenverwaltung in Microsoft Azure - Basis Workshop
22 out of 60
Azure Landing Zone: 3 Week Implementation
23 out of 60
Azure Virtual Desktop
24 out of 60
Microsoft Azureで学ぶDocker Kubernetesトレーニング: 2日間の評価
25 out of 60
Nonprofit accelerator - Migration to Azure
26 out of 60
Infrastructure Migration: 2-Wk Assessment
27 out of 60
Azure Files Migration: 6-Day Assessment
28 out of 60
Cloud Migration: 6+ Weeks Implementation
29 out of 60
Migrating workloads to Azure: 4-week assessment
30 out of 60
Azure Native Migration
31 out of 60
App Architecture Modernization: 6-Week Assessment
32 out of 60
Mainframe Azure DevSecOps Assessment: 8-wk Assessment
33 out of 60
AVD Rapid Deploy
34 out of 60
Azure Migration to Azure VMware Solution
35 out of 60
Security: 2-Wk Azure Security Assessment
36 out of 60
Mainframe Transformation with Azure Assessment: 1-Wk Assessment
37 out of 60
FY23_Managed Services Hybrid Security 2 Weeks Implementation
38 out of 60
FY23_Managed Services AVD 2 WK Implementation
39 out of 60
FY23_Managed Services Windows & SQL Server Migration
40 out of 60
FY23_Managed Services Linux on Azure 2 Weeks Implementation
41 out of 60
FY23_Managed Services DRaaS 10 Days Implementation
42 out of 60
Data Warehouse Modernization Assessment
43 out of 60
Logicalis Portugal Cloud Readiness Assessment - 2 Week Assessment
44 out of 60
12-week Azure Databricks Data Lakehouse implementation
45 out of 60
Softtek - Database Modernization 4 months Implementation
46 out of 60
Softtek - Data Center Transformation - 3-wk Proof of Concept
47 out of 60
ESG Reporting Service - 3-Week Workshop
48 out of 60
Azure Virtual Desktop AVD solution (4Wk PoC)
49 out of 60
Lift & Shift infrastruttura server - fino a 100 server
50 out of 60
Database Migration to Azure: 2 month implementation
51 out of 60
Contract Optimization Assessment
52 out of 60
MLOps Platform - 2 weeks Assessment
53 out of 60
Windows Server and SQL Server end of support
54 out of 60
Azure Modern Data Warehouse: 6 week Implementation
55 out of 60
Azure Virtual Desktop 1-Day Assessment
56 out of 60
Lemongrass Rise+: 2- Months implementation
57 out of 60
仮想デスクトップ構築 for Azure Virtual Desktop:5ヶ月間 実装
58 out of 60
クラウドマイグレーション for Microsoft Azure:4ヶ月 実装
59 out of 60
MLOps Platform - 2 weeks Assessment (Chinese ver)
60 out of 60