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Analytics Modernization & Migration Factory
Migrating critical workloads to the cloud is no longer considered optional; it’s a critical component of a company’s digital transformation.
Likewise, modernizing aging analytics and business intelligence systems is almost a requirement for companies wanting to expand the reach and benefits of analytics and to lay the foundation for the next big innovation areas: artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning. To get to these new technologies, organizations need a smooth, rapid and orchestrated migration of existing analytics workloads and data to the cloud. DXC Technology's Analytics Modernization and Migration Factory for Microsoft Azure can help you accomplish this. Using our three-stage “factory” approach – Assess & Strategize; Build & Migrate; Manage, Optimize & Enhance – we can migrate your analytics workloads to the Microsoft Azure cloud from any analytics workload source, while at the same time minimizing disruption to your business and enhancing your analytics capabilities to support new analytic and AI / machine learning models.
DXC's Migration Factory approach enables more efficient workload migrations through a combination of our Analytics and AI Platform Services with migration accelerators; an extensive library of cataloged methods, design patterns and best practices; and teams of trained and certified migration factory experts. This approach also allows broader standardization on both Azure tools and select third-party components, resulting in significant process improvements during and after the migration.
Please view DXC Technology video at MS Ignite on "Modern Analytics and Governance at Scale" - https://ignite.microsoft.com/en-US/partners/f51ee350-2a44-4f26-bc8d-676b9b490cb7?source=partners&t=%257B%2522from%2522%253A%25222022-10-12T07%253A00%253A00-05%253A00%2522%252C%2522to%2522%253A%25222070-01-15T23%253A59%253A00Z%2522%257D