SAS SaaS Contract Analytics

Avvale S.p.A.

SAS SaaS Contract Analytics

Avvale S.p.A.

Automate the processing of legal cases provides cost savings of up to 80%.

Legal departments handle tens of thousands of cases, containing related legal documents, their amendments, letters, etc. Automate the processing of these cases: categorizing each document and extracting the most critical data about the contract provides cost savings of up to 80%.

The process of legal reasoning and decision making is heavily reliant on information stored in text. Tasks like due diligence, contract review, and legal discovery, that are traditionally time-consuming, can benefit from NLP models and be automated, saving a huge amount of time.

  • ·Up to 80% cost savings
    • High effort reduction in manual document review
  • Avoid subjective interpretation
    • When processing by a machine, we ensure that all contracts will be treated in the same way avoiding the subjectivity of being interpreted by two different people.
  • Avoid errors caused by manual treatment
    • When reviewing large volumes of documents with a high number of pages, many manual errors are incurred.
  • Automatic document generation
    • The solution ultimately allows you to generate documents automatically from learning the documents previously analysed