Oracle 8.7 Minimal with Jitsi

Virtual Pulse S. R. O.

Oracle 8.7 Minimal with Jitsi

Virtual Pulse S. R. O.

Revolutionize your communication and collaboration experience with Jitsi's powerful features.

Oracle 8.7 Minimal with Jitsi

Jitsi, an open-source communication platform, offers a plethora of cutting-edge features that redefine how teams connect and collaborate. From traditional audio calls to immersive video conferencing, Jitsi delivers a comprehensive suite of tools designed to meet modern communication needs. The platform supports two-way audio and video interactions, enabling dynamic conversations that bridge geographical distances.

Audio and Video Recording and Video Call Recording are essential functionalities provided by Jitsi. These features allow users to capture important discussions, presentations, and interactions, ensuring that valuable insights are never lost. Furthermore, Screen Sharing empowers participants to display their screens in real-time, facilitating effective demonstrations and presentations.

Call Conferencing and Video Conferencing seamlessly bring multiple participants together in a virtual space. Collaborative sessions become more interactive as teams share ideas, documents, and multimedia content. The platform supports Presentation Streaming, enabling smooth and real-time sharing of slideshows and visual materials.

Chat/Messaging and Live Chat functionalities provide instant text-based communication channels. Private and group conversations allow for quick information sharing and decision-making.

The power of data-driven decision-making is harnessed through Reporting & Statistics features. These capabilities offer insights into user engagement, call duration, and usage patterns, facilitating informed optimizations and resource allocation.

Third Party Integrations amplify the Jitsi experience, allowing seamless collaboration with existing tools and workflows. Integrating Jitsi into your ecosystem becomes effortless, enhancing productivity without disruptions.

With Oracle 8.7 Minimal as the foundation, this integration brings unparalleled stability and performance to the Jitsi platform. By combining Oracle's minimalistic operating system with Jitsi's feature-rich environment, organizations can ensure a secure and streamlined communication experience.

Empower your teams with the remarkable capabilities of Oracle 8.7 Minimal and Jitsi. Try it now!

Disclaimer:Virtual Pulse does not offer commercial licenses of any of the products mentioned above. Jitsi is a registered trademark of respective companies. No warranty of any kind, express or implied, is included with this software.