Entra Global Secure Access: Pilot

Ascent Global, Inc.

Map and manage network access across your business from one configured portal

Ascent’s Entra Global Secure Access Pilot allows clients to govern global network access for employees, business partners, and digital workloads from one portal. If risk or permission levels change, Microsoft Entra’s controls allow continuous monitoring and access adjustments. The 7-week accelerated timeline introduces the client to the capabilities of Microsoft Entra, builds network and policy configurations, and plans for deployment.


  • Reduce threat actor opportunity for lateral movement through data and application access
  • Eliminate need for always-on VPN
  • Govern internet and application destinations with conditional access policies
  • Prevent token replay when accessing SaaS based applications


  • Week 1: Requirements and Prerequisites

  • Identify and secure network access to key workloads
  • Identify content and access policies for internet access
  • Week 2 – 3: Network and Policy Configuration

  • Configure application connectors
  • Configure three (3) conditional access policies
  • Content / access to the internet
  • Privilege access to key applications
  • Application access via Kerberos single sign on (SSO)
  • Week 4: Client Deployment/Enablement

  • Enable Secure access to key applications
  • Week 5: Global Secure Access (GSA) Enablement and Policy Test

  • Deploy and enable Global Secure Access in client environment
  • Week 6: Global Secure Access Pilot

  • Week 7: Pilot Results and Feedback

Scope and Customer Commitments

  • Entra Global Secure Access
  • Entra Internet Access
  • Entra Private Access
  • Defender for Cloud Apps
  • Access to 250 Endpoint devices
  • Android devices
  • Windows devices
  • 3 applications (on-premises and cloud)


  • Enabled Global Secure Access client deployment
  • Three (3) Universal Conditional Access Policies
  • Secured access to Microsoft 365
  • Secured access to application(s)
  • 250 piloted endpoints
  • Deployment roadmap recommendation

Engagement cost is subject to project scoping
