Azure APIM As a Service 4 week implementation

Capgemini Group

Capgemini to perform APIs assessment and automate provisioning of Azure APIM, APIs policy transformations with API Gateway and DevOpsfication of end-end APIM across environments.

Capgemini’s Azure API Management-as-a-Service offering helps to automate provisioning of Azure API Management and APIs leveraging our accelerators and resources which are modular and aligned with industry standards like Swagger and OpenAPIs. It enables our experts to quickly help Financial Services Organizations to integrate their existing and new APIs with the Microsoft API Management services with minimum or no efforts.


  1. Infrastructure as Code: Leverages Terraform and Azure CLI for Infra provisioning and Service Endpoints for providing secured RBAC for Azure Pipelines to automatically provision the services in Azure.
  2. Developer Friendliness: Developers can just focus on building APIs using their favorite languages and need not worry on authoring Infra as Code. The offering leverages Microsoft recommended Open-Source tools and utilities that generate required Infra as Code for creating required APIs and Operations in Azure API Management Service.
  3. Multi-Environment: Supports infra Provisioning of resources in multiple environments and includes RBAC with help of Service Connections.
  4. Custom Branding in Developer portals: Supports creation of multiple API Developer Portals with custom Branding enabled that help different API Consumer Teams to understand various Core APIs help and documentation.
  5. Automation with Azure DevOps: Supports end-to-end automation of provisioning Infrastructure for APIM Gateways, API Operations, Global Policies and API specific Policies for multiple environments with Pipelines as Code.

Capgemini’s Engagement Model: A typical engagement takes 4 weeks where a team of experts from Capgemini to perform APIs assessment and automate provisioning of Azure APIM, APIs with policy transformations with API Gateway and DevOpsfication of end-end APIM across environments.