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Stock Market Trading using Azure ML: 3-Wks POC
Financial Prediction model for Stock Market Trading
Data-Core Systems will provide their best option using Azure based Machine Learning services, to build Financial Prediction model which will help analyze an investor's behavior / intentions and predict if they are interested to buy or sell in US Stock Market.
Collect sample data from investors.
Evaluate the relationship with an investor and a stock for Owner & Non-owner models in the Russell 3000.
The Financial Prediction Model trains on activities simultaneously over the last several quarters and characterizes each investor's sensitivity to as many factors on a sector basis.
Handles imbalance classification of data using low code programming.
Characteristics of inventors that are MOST predictive in signaling likely incremental buyers.
Characteristics that suggest an investor is at risk of reducing their position.
Use of Azure: Data-Core Systems Azure ML experts will provide consultancy services using Azure ML Studio and its data mining model & statistical techniques (Algorithms) for data preparation and Machine Learning. Microsoft's Azure ML Studio is also used to handle imbalance in classification of data using low code programming.
Automate scripts for data preparation.
To get recommendations for the company in the Russell 3000.
Provide prediction accuracy of greater than 65% depending on the quality and availability of the data.