Data Strategy: 2-Week Assessment


Ready to build a Modern Data Platform? Let DevIQ help you jumpstart the process of aligning your Data Strategy with technology options available for building a Modern Data Platform.

There have been many recent technology advancements from Microsoft Azure within the field of Data Engineering. Their new SaaS and PaaS offerings from have not only lowered the cost of entry but have also lowered the total cost of ownership associated with building and maintaining data platforms. Before you embark on the journey to build a Modern Azure Data Platform, it is critical to ensure that new technology investments align with your organization's Data Strategy and Business Goals.

The DevIQ Data Strategy 2-Week Assessment offering covers the following topics:

  • Matching the appropriate Azure technologies to your organization's business use cases, using our proven Tool Selection process
  • Understanding your current data engineering skillsets and making recommendations for training to fill skillset gaps
  • Enabling compliance with your Data Governance requirements using the best Azure technologies available
  • Ensuring you are selecting the Azure technology stack which achieves the best Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) and aligns with your Business Goals

DevIQ looks forward to helping align your Data Strategy with your Business Goals, while accelerating the process of planning implementation. Let's get your Modern Azure Data Platform up and running today! Price is based on scope of work.