HCLTech's AKS Enterprise Container Platform powered by ePACE

HCL Technologies Limited.

HCLTech's Enterprise Container Platform is a fully managed Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) provisioned and managed in a highly automated, consistent, and secure manner.


HCLTech's Enterprise Container Platform is a fully managed Azure Kubernetes Services (AKS) provisioned and managed in a highly automated, consistent, and secure manner with ePACE. ePACE is an extensible Platform Automation and Configuration Engine from HCLTech to simplify the entire life cycle of the platform using Infrastructure as code blueprints.


HCLTech's Enterprise container platform delivers production grade Azure AKS environments integrated with essential building blocks including application and platform observability, security and governance, backups, DR, container registry, and cost management. The Platform is powered by ePACE, HCLTech’ S extensible Platform Automation and Configuration Engine (ePACE) which automates provisioning and management of entire Azure AKS platform along with seamless integration with your IT ecosystem with pre-built templates and blueprints available in both cloud-native ARM templates and cloud-agnostic Terraform scripts.

HCLTech's Enterprise Container Platform is bundled with three services to ensure seamless lifecycle management of the platform:

  1. Design and Build
  2. Onboard and Stabilize
  3. Operate and Improve

Service Description:

In order to gather and finalize platform requirements, including platform architecture, security, size, and scalability demands, the professional services start with a 2-week workshop with customers. The extensible Platform Automation and Configuration Engine (ePACE) from HCLTech receives these requirements through a version-controlled template. In parallel, the Infrastructure as Code (IaC) DevOps tenant environment is provisioned by the ePACE Centre of Excellence team, and one-time customization is started.

The enterprise platform is implemented with 100% automation and made accessible in less than 4 hours once the modifications are finished. With the same speed and few configuration inputs, any new environments may also be provided, cutting down a typical manual exercise of 12 weeks to under 5 days. In addition to addressing current business demands for platform improvements, growth, maintenance, and operations, HCLTech's Enterprise Container Platform powered by ePACE saves clients' time, resources, and considerable startup costs.

Key Value Proposition:

  1. Gain unmatched velocity and efficiency- Leverage HCLTech ePACE accelerator for fully automated platform provisioning, integrations, and life-cycle management. ePACE reduces project timelines with 80% faster platform provisioning than manual exercises.

  2. Ensure compliance and security- Pre-validated, security hardened Infrastructure-as-Code (IaC) blueprints and policy-as-code ensure all PaaS solutions and cloud services are provisioned with best and uniform standards.

  3. No Lock-In- Entire solution including ePACE is based on Azure Native and Open-source technologies with optional integrations with your existing IT stack to safeguard your investments.
