20-Day Assessment: Data Analytics

ICT Group

Kick off your journey to become data driven together with ICT Group!

In most cases, the potential benefits of using the data in your organization are huge. Although this is great news, it may also have a discouraging effect, because with all the options available you may not be able to see the wood for the trees. We bring order to this chaos and use a step-by-step approach to translate your requirements into new insights. Together with ICT Group you can dream big and start small to ensure maximal business value for your company!

Key Benefits:

  • Guidance on the next steps towards becoming data-driven.
  • Deep industry expertise in logistics, industry and agriculture.
  • Quick and pragmatic approach to data analytics

Delivery steps:

  • Use case workshop (1 day) - Defining multiple use cases that add real value to your company. Based on business value, urgency, and/or potential we will highlight one case to challenge us!
  • Quick scan (1 day) - Executing a quick scan of all relevant data sources giving you valuable insights into the potential architecture of your landscape.
  • Implementation of MVP (3 weeks - depending on scope) - agile delivery of valuable insights. Proving the value of the Azure cloud and how to leverage Power BI.


  • Veralueble insights enables by the Azure and Power BI.
  • End-to-end design from ingesting data from selected sources to a data model made available using e.g. PowerBI or other analytics tools: Azure Data Factory & Azure Data Lake Storage.