DevOps as a Service 6-month agreement


Ofrecemos una solución integral para implementar y gestionar prácticas de DevOps en una organización de manera externalizada.

Below, we present the comprehensive services included in our DaaS plan, carefully crafted to not only offer your organization a dedicated team during critical moments but also to enhance operational efficiency and boost the success rate of your projects:

-Azure DevOps Platform Support (Case Management): Our team provides expert support and guidance through the Azure DevOps platform, ensuring smooth case management and issue resolution. -Service Status Alerts: Stay informed with timely alerts about the status of your services, enabling proactive management and rapid response to any issues. -Initial Assessment: We conduct a thorough initial assessment to understand your organization's needs and tailor our services accordingly for maximum effectiveness. -Pipeline Creation: Our experts assist in the creation of up to 6 pipelines simultaneously from scratch, streamlining your development and deployment processes. -DevSecOps Practices: Implement industry-leading DevSecOps practices, integrating security seamlessly into your development lifecycle. -Test Automation: Drive efficiency and reliability with regression testing automation using Selenium, ensuring the quality of your applications. -Key Performance Indicators (KPIs): Track and measure the success of your projects with carefully defined key performance indicators.


-Creation of Up to 6 Pipelines Simultaneously from Scratch: Accelerate your development lifecycle with the creation of multiple pipelines tailored to your specific requirements. -DevSecOps Practices with Fully Integrated Tools: Enhance security and collaboration across your organization with comprehensive DevSecOps practices and tool integration. -Regression Testing Automation with Selenium: Ensure the reliability and stability of your applications with automated regression testing using Selenium. -Key Indicators: Gain insights into project performance and success metrics through carefully defined key indicators. -Training Sessions: Empower your team with specialized training sessions, equipping them with the knowledge and skills needed to leverage Microsoft Azure services effectively.

Our consulting services are designed to assist customers in harnessing the full potential of Microsoft Azure, whether they are just getting started or seeking to expand their usage. We provide expertise, capabilities, and know-how that may be lacking internally or need augmentation. Throughout the engagement, we leverage Microsoft Azure services to optimize outcomes and drive success. For further details on how our professional services support customers in leveraging Microsoft Azure, please refer to the offer description.