- Servizi di consulenza
Azure Landing Zone: 4-Week Implementation
The Azure Landing Zone Accel. brings speed to your organizations efforts at implementing an LZ, which adheres to enterprise grade best practices for efficiency, security, and performance on the cloud.
Organizations that use or are considering using Azure need landing Zones to grow as a full enterprise, create a scalable cloud environment, and adhere to enterprise level governance and security requirements. This solution brings speed to your delivery, efficiency to your client's operational costs, security to the end product and all subsequent resources that interact with the LZ, and high performance to minimize any risk due to latency.
The Azure accelerator is key in reducing operational cost through proper resource provisioning. The robust Azure Landing Zone also offers security, governance and compliance measures through a defined set of cloud security services and best practices. Finally - A modular approach based on Azure’s common ‘design areas’ enables enhanced scalability and speed for your infrastructure as your organization grows or changes.
This Azure based accelerator brings: Business Continuity & Disaster Recovery Operations Baseline Governance and Compliance Disciplines Network Topology & Connectivity Enterprise Enrolment Resource Organization Identity Management Deployment Options - Optional * This plays into the multiple ways to deploy into landing zones using whatever is the organizational standard: YAML, Bicep, Terraform, ADO, etc..