PostgreSQL 15 container Image

Kockpit Analytics Pvt. Ltd

PostgreSQL 15 container Image

Kockpit Analytics Pvt. Ltd

Up-to-date, customizable, and secure container image.

About the Image:

Now you can enjoy the quick and hassle-free configuration of your workspaces with Kockpit’s pre-configured images. PostgreSQL 15 is a virtual machine image (VMI) created for Ubuntu (OS) that allows you to set up your machines within minutes.

In this VM image, we have packed Postgres and admirer in a container. Adminer is a full-featured database management tool that supports managing databases such as PostgreSQL, SQLite, MS SQL, Oracle, Simple DB, Elastic Search, MongoDB, and Firebird. Using Adminer, you can add, delete or modify databases, collections, and documents. The latest version of Postgres DB is also in a container.

Using the PostgreSQL 15 container Image, you can create a VM with Pre-defined Postgres where all the configurations are already implemented. Users just need to use the command “docker ps” to list down the running containers.

How to Use the Image:

    1. To use the image, click on the “Get it now” button located beneath the Kockpit logo.
    2. Fill out the necessary details, and then you will be redirected to the Azure portal.
    3. Then, click on the create button to create your virtual machine.
    4. Fill out the details such as VM Name, region, username, and password, and click on review + create.

And that’s it! Your VMI is now created. To learn how to deploy PostgreSQL, refer to our Documentation in the Usage Information + Support section.

Benefits of using PostgreSQL 15 Container VMI

  • Low code strategy:There is no need to develop, change, or deploy any YAML files. A file called “postgre.yaml” is stored in the /usr/local directory.
  • Simple to use: You just need your VM IP and Port to connect to your PostgreSQL Db container using admirer or Pgadmin.
  • Require less time: If you want to make changes to your container, just simply edit the postgres.yaml script stored in /usr/local/ directory. Customizing the script is easier than ever before.
  • Complexity:Kockpit follows a low code approach, making it less complex to use images for PostgreSQL. It might be challenging to write complicated YAML to create containers for services.

Why use Kockpit Apps?

Being a prominent name in the market, Kockpit ensures a level of standard in its products. Similarly, Images offered by Kockpit Analytics are always up-to-date, secure, and built to work right out of the box.

Kockpit application packages adhere to quality industry standards to provide reliable and top-of-the-line solutions. We continuously monitor all components and libraries for vulnerabilities and application updates. When any security threat or update is identified, Kockpit automatically repackages the applications and pushes the latest versions to the cloud marketplaces.

VM Configuration:

This VM contains an up-to-date container of Postgres Standard Database 15

Disclaimer: Kockpit does not offer commercial licenses for any of the products mentioned above. The products come with open-source licenses.

Default ports:

SSH: 22

PostgreSQL: 5432

Adminer: 8080