REDHOUSE Virtual Education, LLC


REDHOUSE Virtual Education, LLC

A Mixed Reality simulation space that allows XR interaction between Teachers and Students.

Metascoolzz is a complete XR system for the classroom. A virtual learning environments are ideal for project based learning. In vocational training k-12 education you can train almost any hands-on skill remotely. Scoolzz App for HoloLens 2 is a collaboration platform for teachers, trainers who need remote spaces to be as great as face-to-face meetings. Collaborate and work effectively as a team. With the online 3D design collaboration tools in Scoolzz you can interact with amazing 3D simulations and 3D content together with your teammates, all in real time, from anywhere in the world. Our platform consists of simulation,student assesement for teacher training to utilize virtual learning environments (teachers will be able to create their own lessons in VR/AR and change them as they want), software, and a wide variety of different pedagogical content modules.