App Modnernization POC: 5 Weeks POC

Advancya Technologies

Advancya’s App Modernization Framework takes the client’s existing legacy application through a journey of Modernization that involves using Azure advanced capabilities.

Over the years and after lots of Modernization projects in variety of verticals and line of businesses, Advancya have developed its Unique App Modernization Framework that can be used and implemented to take a legacy application, re-structure it, re-architect it and Modernize it. Our framework is build on top of Microsoft Azure Products and services like App Services, Application Insights, Security Center and Azure SQL Databases and many other products.

We have chosen Microsoft Azure for several reasons:

Platform Benefits: Microsoft Azure IaaS and PaaS are powerful and the foundation for existing and new web apps including DevOps Security: Microsoft Azure provides a highly secure environment for your infrastructure components and web applications Monitoring and Troubleshooting: Microsoft Azure provides a set of rich monitoring and troubleshooting tools for your web apps Cost: Microsoft Azure enables companies to explore tools and applications more rapidly with lower cost Microsoft Azure provides the infrastructure and all the tools required to have a successful Web Application Modernization.

Scope: Our scope is to modernize applications that have the following characteristics/functionalities:

  1. Web based application accessed via a web browser
  2. Maximum of 3 user roles accessing the system
  3. Maximum of 3 forms with medium complexity validations and each having maximum of 15 fields
  4. Maximum of 4-5 workflows steps and approvals
  5. Maximum of 1 integration with external system


  1. Basic requirements documents already available for existing application
  2. Architecture document for the legacy application is present
  3. In case integration with external system, client is responsible to provide integration interfaces

High Level Plan:

  1. Study existing application 2 Days
  2. Prepare FDD/TDD Documents 2 Days
  3. Develop Architecture Document 1 Day
  4. Redesign application Look & Feel 3 Days
  5. Develop the application 14 Days
  6. Deploy on Prod 2 Days