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Compugen Azure Cost Optimization
Determine where and how to get the most out of your Azure cloud along with projected potential monthly savings. Save up to 50% or more on your Monthly Azure Consumption.
The Compugen Cost Optimization Process will:
• Provide a free assessment report of multi-faceted, practical opportunities that can be implemented to cut cost.
• A workshop to review the assessment and plan for the implementation.
• A detailed analysis & plan to implement the approved cost cutting opportunities.
• Implement the changes in your Azure environment as agreed to in the plan.
Included the Cost Optimization Analysis & Implementation:
Right Size Resources – Minimize spend by ensuring cloud resources only consume only what they need.
Terminate Zombie Assets - Zombie Assets can include unattached disks, VM’s not being used.
Schedule Downtime - Turning off unused resources at night or during periods of non-use can result in significant savings over time.
License Optimization – An analysis of licensing options that can dramatically reduce costs.
Reserve Resources - Reserving resources for 1-3year terms can provide huge savings (10-55%) opportunities for infrastructure that is always on or frequently used.
Configuration Optimization - Optimizing data tiers, Geo Redundancy, Type of Disk, etc. can dramatically impact the cost.
Resource Tagging & Budgets - Tagging and budgets are tools to ensure proper cost management over time. Informed customers are better able to manage their costs & make decisions.
Note: Terms, Conditions, and Pricing are custom to each engagement.