Development-EnterpriseMobilityApps: 8-WeekImp.

Rysun Labs (formally Krish Compusoft Services)

Wish to extend Enterprise apps to field reps? KCS provides mobility dev services along with hosting the app to Azure cloud

Objective: Provide Enterprise applications access globally via mobile app connectivity and Azure cloud.

How we do it:

  • we understand your enterprise applications (like CRM, ERP etc)
  • we understand you mobile application need and develop the application
  • we then connect the mobile app to your enterprise applications, ensuring the functionality is being accessed by the mobile app (and users)
  • we then suggest Azure cloud, assist in configuring the cloud and hosting the application

What we deliver:

  • A complete developed mobile application
  • API's to connect to the Enterprise application
  • Azure cloud sizing and hosting services

Benefit the client gets:

  • Access to the enterprise app from anywhere via mobile phones
  • Able to act faster as information is now readily available