Profisee Quickstart by pmOne 4-day workshop

pmOne AG

Profisee MDM 4 days quickstart workshop to start your master data governance initiative

Get a guiding workshop for setting up your first initial master data management model and load your data through the UI and the batch load. We will assist you in setting up the Azure Profisee PaaS solution, guide you through the modeling of your first domain with up to 5 entities and 20 attributes and each an optional hierarchy.
Create an initial security scheme, design up to three quality check rules, a first workflow and learn how "golden record matching" works.
Workshop contains also building a web portal page and a data entry form for your data stewards. After the workshop you should be able to start your master data initiative based on Profisee MDM.


  • Day 1 – Initialize Profisee PaaS environment incl. temporary license following the pre-requisits, client tool and access, overview Profisee MDM
  • Day 2 – Data model for a single domain and selected entities, import of previously prepared initial data, access through web portal
  • Day 3 – Data quality rules, matching
  • Day 4 – Data steward workflow, summary