Azure Extend by Macquarie Cloud Services

Macquarie Cloud Services

Azure Extend by Macquarie Cloud Services

Macquarie Cloud Services

Stretch your subnets to Azure with a layer-3 overlay network. IP mobility enables a subnet to co-exist in your data center & in Azure, delays IP readdressing, keeps applications on-site & in Azure in the same network & reduces project complexity & delay.

At Macquarie Cloud Services we manage cloud environments for market-leading brands. We've been doing it for 20 years. Our Net Promoter Score of +85 proves our customers rate our skills, support and responsiveness. So much so, they recommend us to their friends.

Managed Network Services from Australia's most recommended service provider helps keep the server’s identity (IP address) the same across moves, so the clients can continue to send traffic regardless of the server’s current location. Macquarie inserts a managed network virtual appliance within Azure and your on-premises network so that you can migrate servers in your time, while continuing to use your existing network ingress/egress point.

How do we do this? Locator/ID Separation Protocol or LISP is a tunnel protocol that uses a central database in which endpoint location is registered. LISP enables an IP host-based mobility of endpoints. When a VM in Azure tries to talk to a VM in the on-premises network, the Azure appliance captures the packet, encapsulates it, and sends it over an SD-WAN/VPN/ExpressRoute path to the on-premises network. The on-premises NVA receives the packet, decapsulates it and forwards it to the intended recipient in its network.

Through Azure Extend, we set up a stretched network for you,supporting self-paced migration and hybrid topologies into Azure. We'll provide a comprehensive managed services proposal, price estimate and compelling story to use as required. Once our proposal is accepted, we'll provide you with a comprehensive statement of work detailing the Azure design, resources and services you'll receive under our management. You'll get:

  • A deployed Azure Network Virtual Appliance (NVA) within an Azure VNET, and a LISP-enabled virtual appliance deployed on a VMware or Hyper-V virtual machine in your enterprise data center with a LISP tunnel in between.
  • The ongoing management of Macquarie Cloud Services' Azure Extend solution, including logging, monitoring, alerting, troubleshooting of the NVA and more through Azure Lighthouse. Macquarie provisions and manages throughput of the tunnel, monitors uptime, helps ensure NVA resiliency and provides detailed reporting.
  • Flexible burstable service provider licensing for the NVAs, by the month
  • We'll also offer an extended service, Azure Managed, with accompanying expert advice and real-time support. Our offer may also cover the project management and migration of existing infrastructure/workloads into Azure, taking your optimisation, security, compliance and regulatory requirements into consideration.

    You'll have access to certified, expert engineers and a delivery team who know you by name. To kick start the process, sign up now and one of our friendly Azure experts will be in touch.

    Azure Extend is only available to Australian customers.