Data Design Sprint: 12-Day Assessment


Explore and test your ideas and concepts during data sprints and design sprints to secure stakeholder confidence in validated data-driven outcomes. We bring together the most relevant people.

A creative tech company specialising in data and information. Our expert services as well as our AI and machine learning technologies deliver data & digital outcomes for real business impact using Microsoft technology. We are a creative tech company specialising in data and information. Our expert services as well as our AI and machine learning technologies deliver data and digital outcomes for real business impact using Microsoft technology. Our Services put data at the heart of your digital service transformation, delivering insight that drives positive outcomes for your business.

Explore and test your ideas and concepts during data sprints and design sprints to secure stakeholder confidence in validated data-driven outcomes. We bring together the most relevant people in both our businesses to collaboratively build and test your prototypes with real end users. The prototypes are built with Microsoft and Azure technology in mind to ensure the potential solution can be built as production ready solutions post the 10 day hack.

We have customised the existing Design Sprint framework many organisations use to meet the needs of our customers, empowering businesses to innovate from shared ideation, before creating validated product prototypes at speed with minimal investment.

Our two-week Data Sprint kickstarts with a series of intensive workshops for up to 10 people at a time. Your key stakeholders, decision makers, and real end users or representatives can contemplate your specific challenges from different perspectives. After agreeing on a potential prototype, we’ll feedback to ensure it offers the best possible solution. By taking a well-rounded team approach before developing your prototype, you can be sure to avoid potentially time-consuming and costly cycles. Our two-day data hackathon produces a feasibility score, so we can gauge whether to proceed to the 10-day Data Sprint. During the Data Sprint, we build a prototype and outline an approach to bring the solution into production. The prototypes are created with Microsoft technology in mind – by understanding how you currently ingest, transform and provision data we ensure they are future proof and capable of being embedded seamlessly.

By bringing together a group of professionals and SMEs to work on a single challenge and solution in the same place at the same time, we eliminate blockers and impediments stemming from secondary processes and bureaucracy often encountered during large-scale projects or programmes – ramping up the speed of delivery.

The following are key benefits you can expect from our service; Align your teams and stakeholders and get everyone on the same page; Reduce the risk of failure with a prototype tested against user needs ; Check the feasibility of the model/data/approach before you build • Rapidly progress from the Design/Data Sprint into build phases; Prototype can be socialised and presented for development funding decisions • Achieve buy-in for the change the project will deliver; Build and explore the potential of your Microsoft technology stack; Help to create a collaborative, innovative culture; Follow a structured process that always leads to a validated solution

The outcome of this sprint is to provide a real, working prototype of the final solution. By getting to this fast, we can test the hypothesis or explore the challenge quickly and understand the business value. The working prototype can be used then as a demonstrable tool within the wider business to drum up demand and excitement behind it. By doing this and proving the value, you will be able to explore how you would embed this into production environments enabling automation and business teams to continue generating value. The key deliverables from this are a working prototype to explore with your business teams. A deck to explain what the prototype is, how it is useful and considerations for future productionisation activity


Day 1 - Kick-Off Kick-Off Meeting Planning Workshop / Hack Group Identification Challenge Workshops

Day 2-Challenge Definition Challenge Workshops Select Challenge Go / No Go

Day 3-Challenge Definition Prototype Planning

Day 4-Hackathon Data Solution Prototype Development

Day 5-Prototype Build Data Solution Prototype Development

Day 6-Prototype Build Data Solution Prototype Development

Day 7-Prototype Build Data Solution Prototype Development Prototype Show & Tell

Day 8-Prototype Build Data Solution Prototype Iteration Development

Day 9-Prototype Build Data Solution Prototype Iteration Development

Day 10-Prototype Build Data Solution Prototype Iteration Development

Day 11-Prototype Build Data Solution Prototype Iteration Development

Day 12 - Prototype Build Data Solution Prototype Iteration Development Prototype Show & Tell Prototype Delivery