Avanade Generative OpenAI Quick Start 2-Day Workshop

Avanade, Inc.

Work together with Avanade SMEs to understand and realize the business value of Generative AI with Microsoft and Azure OpenAI.

Gartner predicts that by 2025, generative AI will be producing 10 percent of all data. Whether you are looking for ways to enhance existing customer service experiences, drive employee productivity, optimize operations or create new business processes, Avanade can help you harness the power of Generative AI through Microsoft technologies including the Microsoft Azure OpenAI Service. 

Work together with Avanade SMEs to understand and realize the business value of Generative AI. Avanade will join your team on-site (or remote) to go in-depth on the business value of Generative AI, starting with conversations with your team and design thinking workshops to identify the business scenarios that drive the most benefit. Depending on the outcome of our workshops, we will either move on to a deeper strategy assessment to define readiness or move into a simple PoC or MVP build to showcase value of the technology on Microsoft Azure using the Azure Open AI Service or other Microsoft AI-embedded applications. Whether you are new to the Microsoft ecosystem and Microsoft Azure or extending your use, our experts will be there every step of to ensure you get the best of Microsoft and Microsoft Azure services, paving the path for you to become an AI-first organization. 

Generative AI is here and ready to drive true organizational transformation. Dive in head-first with the power of Microsoft through Microsoft Azure services and other AI-embedded applications and tools. The train is leaving the station, jump on board before you get left behind!

*Pricing varies based on scope of the engagement.
