- 컨설팅 서비스
On-premises Integration to Azure: 5-Day Assessment
Define the scope, workload and cost to migrate from any on-premises integration solution to a cloud integration solution (iPaaS) on Microsoft Azure
The on-premises to cloud migration assessment will not only identify areas for improvement but, more importantly, also provide information on how Azure Integration Services can be applied more efficiently and with reduced risk. You will be introduced to the Codit Cloud Integration methodology. Our Cloud Integration Methodology provides you with a reference architecture covering pub/sub pattern, availability, performance, error handling, monitoring, security and monitoring. This methodology and reference architecture is our starting point for every integration project. The assessment is an extensive study that focuses on all aspects of a migration project from on-premises integration to an iPaaS platform. By means of color-coding you get a clear picture of the critical points and where the need for change is greatest. A report will explain in detail why and how each item is checked, its importance, and the measures to be taken to address specific issues. The report can then serve as a roadmap to improvement.