Conversational AI Services: 6-wk Implementation


Softchoice can design, architect, build, and develop conversational AI solutions using Azure AI that enable text-based chatbots, virtual assistants, and interactive experiences.

Conversational AI refers to artificial intelligence technologies that enable computers to understand, process, and respond to human language in a natural way. It is used for creating chatbots, virtual assistants, and other interactive systems that can engage in conversations with users. Based on Azure OpenAI and Copilot Studio, our solutions extend your existing Azure applications or build new business solutions to increase business opportunities and reduce costs and effort.

What is conversational AI?

Conversational AI is transforming the very definition of customer service and how people interact with businesses from retail brands to financial institutions. Harnessing advanced natural language processing and machine learning, it goes light years beyond the simple chatbot to simulate engaging, humanistic conversations.

It’s capable of complex and nuanced paths that delight our customers' customers by anticipating needs and taking actions that result in more sales conversions and faster resolution times than has ever been possible before today.

Popular channels organizations are using conversational AI to transform customer experiences: Virtual Assistants on Websites, Mobile & Messaging Apps, Email Automation, Social Media, Voice Assistants, all built on the Azure platform for Generative AI.

What are Conversational AI Services?

Softchoice Conversational AI Services bring Azure OpenAI-powered customer experience visions to life. We help business leaders and IT teams translate business challenges into conversational AI solutions.

Our dedicated AI consulting, data, security and adoption practices take their vision from proof of concept to production ensuring the solution is deployed securely and responsibly. We weave IT mentorship and tested user adoption strategies into our approach from the start to ensure their customers use conversational AI to its full potential.

Engagement Model

Our methodology combines our well-established business consulting, app development, data governance, security, and user adoption practices, refined over thousands of successful technology implementations— now applied to support our customers' conversational AI journeys.

Our approach to conversational AI enagements follows these stages:

Envision | Prove the concept

We help prioritize a business challenge the customer wants to solve with AI and develop a high-level strategy and solution for solving it with conversational AI. We test that theory with a proof-of-concept implementation.

Design | Build the blueprint

We design a production ready solution guided by Softchoice’s ‘human-centric’ approach focused on persona mapping and use cases. We examine the customer's current architecture, data estate and security posture, and build technical designs based on Microsoft best practices to deploy and scale the solution.

Enable | Lay the foundations

We build the foundation in Azure and guardrails required to deploy the conversational AI solution from data architecture, security and automation frameworks to governance risk and compliance processes. The landing zone deployed in Azure provides governance, security, performance, and proper operations. We create an upskill plan to ensure the customer's internal IT team has the skillsets to manage the solution, and an enablement plan to ensure their end users will embrace the solution to its full potential.

Implement | Test and deploy

We implement the conversational AI solution using Azure OpenAI as designed, with thorough testing prior to implementation, ensuring it integrates into the production environment and is ready for immediate use.

Sustain & Enable | Optimize over time

We support ongoing model performance evaluation and fine-tuning through dashboards for KPI tracking, periodic bias testing, and building of a Center of Excellence based on DevOps best practices.