NginX on SUSE Enterprise 15 Minimal

Art Group

NginX on SUSE Enterprise 15 Minimal

Art Group

A high-performance web server software

NginX on SUSE Enterprise 15 Minimal

NginX is usually used as a reverse proxy and allows you to improve the performance of the main web server, which is responsible for hosting client sites. This web server has been specifically designed to serve large amounts of static content (images, videos, CSS, XML, etc.).

NginX works with an asynchronous algorithm, processing does not occur in a strict order, but in a single thread. The actual sequence of stages is preserved, but at the internal level, the work on the stages is flexible, and not systematic. The web server simultaneously analyzes all stages of work. And based on the situation, it quickly redistributes resources.

In fact, Nginx is much more efficient at handling high concurrent connections than Apache. It also consumes much less memory per connection. So, NginX correctly distributes the load arriving at the server, configures thousands of connections at the same time, and provides fault tolerance.

Don’t hesitate to start using our NginX on SUSE Enterprise 15 Minimal, and deploy a functional and handy server for your site.

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