Pure-FTPd on Ubuntu 22.04 LTS

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Pure-FTPd on Ubuntu 22.04 LTS

DevOps Images

Pure-FTPd - A Secure FTP daemon.

Pure-FTPd is actively supported, and it was always designed with security in mind, and the code is always re-audited as new kind of vulnerabilities are discussed.

The server can run with privilege separation for paranoid security. It can even run 100% non-root, with its built-in chroot() emulation and virtual accounts. Transmission of cleartext passwords and commands can be avoided : Pure-FTPd has optional support for an SSL/TLS encryption layer using the OpenSSL library.

Pure-FTPd works on your server and Pure-FTPd speaks your language : All server messages are translated in English, German, Romanian, French, Polish, Spanish, Danish, Dutch, Italian, Brazilian Portuguese, Slovak, Korean, Swedish, Norwegian, Russian, Traditional Chinese, Simplified Chinese, Czech, Turkish, Hungarian and Catalan.