Azure STIG Templates for Linux - Preview

Microsoft Corporation

Azure STIG Templates for Linux - Preview

Microsoft Corporation

Deploy STIG compliant Linux virtual machines with the click of a button.

Microsoft Azure Security Technical Implementation Guide (STIG) Solution Templates – Preview accelerates your speed to achieving DoD STIG compliance by delivering an automated, one-click solution, which enables cloud customers to deploy Linux Virtual Machines and apply STIGs. Templates use a combination of open-source PowerSTIGAzure Custom Script Extension for Linux, and Azure DSC Extension to apply the STIG. By providing simple selections, the template preview fast-tracks STIG compliance and aids in cloud adoption. 

With this solution template preview, you will have the following Azure resources being deployed to your subscription: virtual network and subnet (if not exists), network security group, network interface card, disk (OS), and a virtual machine. 

The cost of Microsoft Azure STIG Solution Template - Preview solution is an aggregate of the cost of the underlying Azure resources deployed. Pricing information for Azure services can be found at Azure Pricing. For information on usage amounts and billing details, see View and download your Azure usage and charges

For more information on this offer, please see Azure STIG Templates Documentation