Pina Earth - European climate projects

Pina Earth

Pina Earth - European climate projects

Pina Earth

Protecting the global climate with local forests

Pina Earth leverages the power of tech to enable effective climate action. As a leading developer of certified climate projects in Europe, Pina Earth uses artificial intelligence and remote sensing data to offer high quality carbon removals to buyers. 

One of the most important types of climate projects does not yet exist today. A large number of projects cover the areas of afforestation, reduced logging and forest protection. However, there are no methodologies and established projects to make existing forests biodiverse and climate-resilient. Pina Earth fixes this, turning endangered monocultures into mixed and future-proof forests which remove additional carbon from the atmosphere. This award winning approach has tremendous potential to remove carbon on the scale of Gigatons. Pina Earth bases its work on latest research, using artificial intelligence and enabling companies to support the climate transition with these projects.

Pina Earth is incubated in Y-Combinator and supported by the German government, as well as European Space Agency (ESA). You can get some insights to Pina Earth by reading articles from TechCrunch or watching this short video by Die Zeit.