Infrastructure discovery and assessment

Sii Sp. z o.o.

Analyze your on-premises environment to prepare your Microsoft Azure migration plan

Infrastructure Discovery and Assessment is a set of services that can help organizations better prepare for migration to Microsoft Azure.

Using Microsoft tools and our experience, we will review the current on-premise infrastructure and prepare a detailed report on migration possibilities.

The final report will include not only the assessment result, but also:

  • calculation of the costs of "lift-n-shift" migration - if you decide to migrate only virtual machines
  • readiness of the application for migration and possible scenarios in which we can turn current solutions into Platform Managed Services (e.g. SQL to Azure, Application to Azure), this also includes cost calculation
  • cost optimization plan after migration
  • risk assessment and possible solutions for licensing older solutions, such as unsupported operating systems and SQL servers
  • final recommendations for using Microsoft Azure