Microsoft XDR as a Service


Microsoft XDR as a Service


UMB's XDR as a Service, built on Microsoft technologies, is a comprehensive and cloud-native solution designed to protect organizations from advanced cyber threats. Our service empowers organizations to get a holistic cyber protection.

In today's fast-paced digital landscape, organizations are constantly facing evolving cyber threats that can disrupt operations, compromise sensitive data, and harm reputation. Traditional security measures are no longer sufficient to combat advanced threats, which is where Microsoft XDR (Extended Detection and Response) as a Service, powered by UMB, emerges as a powerful cybersecurity solution. Microsoft XDR as a Service combines Endpoint Detection and Response (EDR), Network Detection and Response (NDR), Cloud App Security (CAS), Vulnerability Management, Security Information and Event Management (SIEM), and Identity Security into a unified platform. This integration offers comprehensive visibility across an organization's entire IT infrastructure, enabling security teams to detect and respond to threats more effectively. The Managed Service comes with key features to enhance an organization's security posture. It provides centralized visibility, collecting and analyzing data from endpoints, networks, and cloud applications to offer a unified view of the security landscape. This streamlined approach simplifies threat detection and response for security teams. Leveraging artificial intelligence and machine learning, Managed Microsoft XDR continuously monitors behavior patterns to detect abnormal activities indicative of potential threats. By proactively identifying sophisticated threats, XDR can mitigate risks before significant damage occurs. In case of an active threat, the platform offers real-time incident response capabilities, enabling security teams to investigate incidents promptly, isolate affected systems, and implement remediation measures swiftly, minimizing the impact of attacks. Built on a cloud-native architecture, XDR scales effortlessly to meet organizations' growing needs and seamlessly integrates with existing security tools and platforms. It incorporates threat intelligence feeds, providing access to up-to-date information on emerging threats and attack vectors, empowering security teams to stay ahead of adversaries. Meeting regulatory requirements is crucial for organizations, and Managed Microsoft XDR as a Service facilitates compliance by generating detailed reports and audit logs, ensuring transparency and accountability. Adopting Managed Microsoft XDR as a Service offers several benefits. Proactive threat hunting through continuous monitoring and AI-driven analysis allows security teams to actively search for potential threats, even those that may have gone undetected by traditional security measures. Rapid incident response capabilities enable organizations to contain threats swiftly and minimize the time to remediation, reducing the overall impact of security incidents. Centralizing security operations through XDR streamlines workflows and provides a holistic view of an organization's security posture, enhancing the efficiency and effectiveness of security teams. Outsourcing XDR services offers a cost-effective option, avoiding significant upfront investments in infrastructure and personnel required for an in-house solution, allowing organizations to focus their resources on core business operations. Through Azure Lighthouse, it allows UMB to offer comprehensive security management services, including security policies, threat detection, incident response, and compliance reporting. UMB's Cyber Defense Center operates 24/7, 365 days a year, offering enhanced cybersecurity capabilities, centralized visibility, and early threat detection. By leveraging the advanced capabilities of the CDC, organizations can fortify their cybersecurity infrastructure, detect emerging threats proactively, and respond to incidents in real-time, ensuring a robust defense against the ever-evolving threat landscape. With Managed Microsoft XDR as a Service, organizations can navigate the complexities of modern cybersecurity with confidence.