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Epicor in Azure: 5-Wk Implementation
A guided deployment and custom configuration of Epicor ERP in the client’s Microsoft Azure tenant.
The 2W Technologies Cloud, Infrastructure, and Epicor Consulting teams will engage with client stakeholders over a 5-week period to deliver a custom deployment of Epicor ERP on Azure and ensure stability, security, and performance outcomes. The final deployment is specifically designed to take advantage of the Microsoft Azure environment while running Epicor ERP.
Every configuration is unique and configured in partnership with the client teams, as a separate subscription within the client’s existing Microsoft Azure tenant. If no existing tenant is available, 2W will construct a new client-owned environment.
This deployment provides a significant reduction in the time to deploy Epicor ERP in a cloud environment, it is certified by Epicor, and it is correctly configured for a cloud environment – including endpoint bindings, SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) certificates, application and environment security, disaster recovery, and user experience.