Custom Kubernetes Deep Dive: 4-Day Workshop


Address the Kubernetes skills gap to accelerate change and make your cloud-native projects successful

This four-day Kubernetes training introduces students to both basic and advanced Kubernetes topics. You will learn how to deploy a Kubernetes cluster using kops, how to store configuration in ConfigMaps, as well as gain an understanding of internals behind cluster networking. The fourth day is a deep dive into Kubernetes internals including kubelet, API server, scheduling algorithm and networking.


  • Understanding of how Kubernetes handles container-based distributed workloads
  • Practical skills required to spin up a Kubernetes cluster (including Azure AKS cluster)
  • Experience required to successfully operate and manage fault-tolerant Kubernetes clusters
  • Cluster security guidance
  • Hands-on learning deploying and managing multi-tier applications
  • Training materials, including slides and workshop examples


  • Obtain advanced k8s platform knowledge
  • Obtain k8s architecture understanding
  • Understand k8s-related tooling
  • Architects, Operators, and DevOps engineers prepared for Certified Kubernetes Administrator (CKA) exam

Delivery Format

  • Classroom
  • Hands-on
  • Instructor-led

Target Audience

  • Architects
  • Operators
  • DevOps engineers

Trainer-Trainee Ratio

  • 1:10

Delivery Method

  • Onsite

Brief Training Agenda

● Day 01: Containers and basic Kubernetes objects ● Day 02: Advanced Kubernetes objects ● Day 03: Third-party tools and services ● Day 04: Cluster management, security and networking