Cloud Transition Preparation Assessment


0Our Azure Cloud Transition Preparation Assessment ensures a strategic migration to the cloud, providing a custom roadmap, architectural suggestions, cost analysis, and TCO projection.

Service Overview:

At AVASOFT, as a Microsoft Solutions Partner, we proudly present our Cloud Transition Preparation Assessment. This strategic offering equips your enterprise with essential insights and tools for a smooth transition to Azure's comprehensive cloud platform, ensuring agility, scalability, and security.

Understanding that cloud migration is a pivotal business strategy, we start by gaining a thorough insight into your current IT infrastructure. Our Azure Certified Solutions Architects adopt a systematic approach, focusing on your organization's unique business and technical requirements.

Key Features:

Our mission is to develop a cloud migration strategy as distinctive as your business, ensuring that the new cloud infrastructure supports existing operations and facilitates future growth effortlessly.

Through concentrated deep-dive sessions, each lasting one to two hours, we explore key areas such as:

  • Evaluation of Current IT Infrastructure: Assess existing systems to identify readiness for Azure migration.
  • Analysis of Application Portfolio: Review applications for Azure suitability and optimization.
  • Evaluation of Cloud Security Posture: Analyze current security measures and recommend Azure security best practices.
  • Compliance and Governance Strategies: Develop strategies to ensure compliance with industry regulations using Azure tools.
  • Planning for Workload Migration: Strategize workload migration to Azure, minimizing disruption.
  • Analysis for Cost Optimization: Optimize costs using Azure’s cost management tools.
  • Benchmarking Performance: Establish performance benchmarks to ensure Azure meets current metrics.
  • Planning for Disaster Recovery and Business Continuity: Create robust plans leveraging Azure’s capabilities.
  • Adoption of Cloud-Native Tools and Services: Identify opportunities to adopt Azure-native tools and services.

These sessions set a solid foundation for your cloud transition, focusing on thorough planning, insightful recommendations, and leveraging Azure's capabilities.


  • Cloud Strategy and Recommendations Report: Compiles insights from the assessment sessions, detailing recommended architectural designs and a strategic plan for cloud migration. Includes advice on security, compliance, and optimization based on Azure's best practices.
  • Customized TCO Analysis: Provides a personalized Total Cost of Ownership analysis using the Azure Pricing Calculator, predicting operational expenses for your cloud migration.
  • Execution Plan for Cloud Transition: A detailed proposal outlining services and associated costs for our professional team to execute the cloud migration strategy, ensuring a seamless transition to Azure.

Next Steps:

Schedule a Consultation: Contact AVASOFT's cloud specialists to discuss your specific needs and goals. We'll tailor the Cloud Transition Preparation Assessment to your unique situation.

By leveraging Azure's robust cloud platform, AVASOFT ensures your enterprise achieves a seamless transition, enhancing operational capabilities and positioning your organization for future growth.