Generative AI for Financial Services

Capgemini Group

Generative AI for Financial Services - Discovery & Experimentation, MVP, Strategic use case roadmap

Unlock the potential of Gen AI with Capgemini's Generative AI for Financial Services offering. Leverage our unique Gen AI development platform to streamline the transition from AI experiments to enterprise-wide AI solutions. Leveraging Azure’s capabilities, our Genesis experimentation platform enables you to make the right decisions upfront – select the right model, design right prompts, measure accuracy, quantify benefits and optimize experience. As Generative AI evolves, business leaders recognize AI as a catalyst for driving innovation, revenue growth, and operational efficiency. However, the transition from experimentation/proof of concept to tangible results poses challenges due to unreliable measurements, inconsistent environments for experimentation and production, difficulty keeping pace with technology advancements, and failure to share resources, create reusable components. Consequently, organizations encounter low confidence in solutions, slow progression to production-ready applications, limited adaptability, resulting in suboptimal ROI.

Capgemini’s Generative AI for Financial Services offering supports organizations throughout their AI journey – from discovery and experimentation to MVP, iteration to scalable enterprise solutions. Our approach includes Capgemini’s Gen AI development platform, a modular, unified toolkit that is Azure based designed to scale Gen AI workloads. It prioritizes value use cases and enterprise enablement – comprising of solution templates for use case-specific scenarios, a services layer (choose existing or build new services), and infrastructure layer for unified deployment of new services and solutions.

Key components of Capgemini’s Generative AI for Financial Services offering:

  1. Generative AI Discovery & Experimentation (6 to 8 weeks)
  2. MVP Phase 1 - Strategy, Roadmap, Business Use Case (18 weeks)
  3. MVP Phase 2 – Tuning, Testing, and Iteration (>18 weeks)

Key Benefits:

Tailored Solutions for Financial Services Industry: Capgemini's Generative AI offer is designed specifically for the financial services industry, providing tailored solutions to accelerate your journey to success through Microsoft Azure.

Strategic Assessment and AI Value Cases: We conduct a thorough assessment of our customers organization's landscape and goals, identifying strategic areas where Azure services and AI can drive maximum impact. Together, we uncover AI value cases aligned with our customers unique business needs.

Rapid Prototyping with Azure-based Experimentation: Utilizing our Azure-based experimentation platform, we enable rapid prototyping and development of MVPs for AI solutions. This allows for quick validation of concepts, minimizing risks and accelerating time to market.

Phased Expansion of Microsoft Stack: We take a phased approach to expanding the Microsoft stack, including Azure, Dynamics 365, and Microsoft 365. This ensures seamless technology adoption aligned with our customers strategic objectives.

Empowerment with Azure AI Infrastructure: Leveraging Azure AI Infrastructure and applications such as Azure ML and Azure Data Factory, we build and deploy AI-powered solutions that drive real business results.

Personalized Experiences and Resource Optimization: With Gen AI capabilities integrated into our offering, we deliver personalized experiences and optimize resource usage to maximize the value of our customers Azure investments.