Data Landscape: 3-Day Assessment


During this 3-day journey, we evaluate your data landscape (AS-IS) and conduct collaborative workshops to determine and describe your ideal TO-BE situation, using Microsoft Azure as foundation.

Data is one of the most valuable assets in an organization. Therefore, it is crucial to build upon a solid foundation to make sure you can rely on your data for your operational – and strategical insights. During this 3-day journey, we evaluate your data landscape (AS-IS) and conduct collaborative workshops to determine and describe your ideal TO-BE situation.

Proposed trajectory

  1. An introductory meeting will be organised to align on the key-objectives of the assessment. Please note that the assessment is tailor-made to the situation of the customer and therefore, the exact scope of the assessment will be determined during this meeting.

  2. During the data platform workshop, we will explain key data platform concepts and would like to reflect on the strategy, architecture and design principles that have been used during the initial data – and reporting set-up. Furthermore, requirements of the ideal platform will be derived during this workshop (both on a technical - and functional level).

  3. Workshop focused on reporting to review and evaluate the as-is and to-be reporting architecture, data model and get a view on the existing reports, and how they have been set-up. If required, key concepts will be explained in detail.

  4. In the consolidation – and proposal phase we will document our observations and present you with a comprehensive and actionable plan that addresses your specific needs and objectives (from easy, achievable goals (low-hanging fruit) to more complex or ambitious objectives). The roadmap in this document will leverage Microsoft Azure and can be implemented independently, or in collaboration with our experts.