- Rådgivningstjenester
Azure Kickstarter Pilot: 2-weeks Implementation
Ready to move to the cloud but not sure where to start? The FX Azure Kickstarter has you covered.
• Fast Track Your Cloud Migration FX will deploy our Landing Zone Lite offering and we will help you select the right starting application to migrate to Azure AppServices or Azure VMs.
• Complete Cost Analysis Provide a cost benefit analysis on moving to Azure and draw outa financial plan for your migration.
• Workload Specific Planning Document Receive a business case document to begin the planning phase for your migration.
• Tailored Workshops Run workshops to explain the importance of the Cloud Adoption Framework.
• A Rock Solid Foundation FX has the unparalleled experience to quickly and securely accelerate your Azure adoption in accordance with compliance and governance best practices.
• Week 1:
• Week 2: