Informatica to Azure Data Factory: 3 Week Workshop*

Infinite Computer Solutions Inc

Our 3-week workshop guides organizations through migrating from Informatica to Azure Data Factory, offering insights to enhance data integration, streamline workflows, and ensure a smooth transition.

The Informatica to Azure Data Factory workshop aims to equip participants with the knowledge and tools necessary for a successful migration. The workshop will cover key topics such as understanding the differences between Informatica and ADF, mapping existing Informatica workflows to ADF, and best practices for migration. Through hands-on sessions, participants will learn how to design, implement, and optimize data pipelines in ADF, enabling them to harness the full potential of this powerful data integration service.

Business Challenges We Solve

  1. Migration Complexity: Simplifying the migration process from Informatica to Azure Data Factory.
  2. Data Integration: Addressing issues related to integrating diverse data sources.
  3. Cost Management: Reducing costs associated with maintaining on-premises infrastructure.
  4. Performance Optimization: Enhancing data processing speeds and improving workflow efficiency.
  5. Scalability: Ensuring the ability to scale data operations seamlessly.
  6. Skill Gaps: Providing training to bridge knowledge gaps between Informatica and ADF.

Value Propositions

  1. Expert Guidance: Receive expert-led training and insights to ensure a successful migration.
  2. Hands-On Learning: Engage in practical, hands-on sessions to apply learning directly to your data projects.
  3. Comprehensive Coverage: Gain a thorough understanding of both Informatica and ADF, facilitating a smoother transition.
  4. Best Practices: Learn industry best practices for designing and optimizing data workflows in ADF.
  5. Custom Solutions: Tailored advice and solutions specific to your organization’s data integration needs.

The Infinite advantage

  1. Customized Cost-Effective Migration: Offer migrations leveraging Microsoft Fabric's flexible pricing, such as pay-as-you-go and reserved instances, to optimize costs and reduce total cost of ownership (TCO) for all business sizes.
  2. Expertise in Cloud Economics: Provide in-depth cloud economics knowledge to create strategies that maximize ROI, utilizing Microsoft Fabric's cost-management tools for greater savings control.
  3. Substantial Infrastructure Savings: Show a track record of significant infrastructure cost savings via efficient resource use, optimized data processing, and Microsoft Fabric's scalable architecture, reducing operational expenses.
  4. Guaranteed License Cost Reduction: commit to a minimum of 10% reduction in license costs for clients migrating to Microsoft Fabric, highlighting our ability to negotiate better rates and tailor solutions that result in direct savings.
  5. Personalized Savings Assessment: Offer a customized savings assessment for potential clients, highlighting the specific financial benefits of migrating from CDP to Microsoft Fabric, making the value proposition clear.

*Our workshop will be determined by the complexity level mapped with workflows, data volume, system integration reporting and other parameters. By participating in this workshop, your organization will be well-prepared to transition from Informatica to Azure Data Factory, unlocking new efficiencies and capabilities in your data integration processes. Learn more about Infinite Azure Professional Services at or contact us at to set up a free consultation session.