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Data Mesh with Azure Immersion: 1-Day Workshop
1-Day practical and interactive workshop to get a deeper understanding of what is data mesh, whether is the right fit for their organization and how to get started with Azure.
If you work in technology or handle data, you might’ve already been entangled by data mesh — a recent buzzword that many organizations, vendors, and pundits seem to define as one of the most disruptive and groundbreaking paradigms in data, AI, and analytics.
This practical and interactive one day workshop is the right option for companies which are considering going with data mesh but would like to get a deeper understanding of what is behind this concept, whether is the right fit for their organization and how to get started with their Azure environments.
By the end of the workshop, the audience will get a clear understanding of what is data mesh including clarifying any doubts which they might have on this topic and will have all the information to decide whether this is the optimal solution for their organization.
Agenda Data Mesh with Azure introduction (Why, what and how) Review questions from audience Is Data Mesh the right solution for your organization? How to get started with data mesh in Azure Wrap up and next steps