Knowledge Mining – 4 week POV Implementation

Saxon Global Inc.

Unlock the valuable insights lying latent in your data assets and make informed decisions at a scale.


Leveraging Microsoft Cognitive Search and Azure OpenAI, this tool acts as an internal ChatGPT over your enterprise documents, allowing you to interrogate the data stored within them quicky and intelligently. PDFs, images, audio recordings, hand-written notes – whatever form your unstructured data takes, Knowledge Miner analyses natural language to prov

Two significant challenges that organizations face today are the constant increase of unstructured data and a prominent way to understand these data to make informed decisions. Knowledge mining transforms how businesses understand and leverage their content by finding and exploiting the value in vast troves of untapped knowledge to create more insights and business opportunities. Extracting that vital insight at scale becomes complex for organizations when they try to do it the conventional way.

For a 4-week Proof of Value (POV) implementation the following key points can be covered:

Week 1: Discovery and Planning

  • Kickoff Meeting: Introduction to the project team and stakeholders.
  • Requirement Gathering: Understand business objectives, data sources, and specific use cases.
  • Project Planning: Define the project scope, deliverables, timelines, and milestones.

Week 2: Data Ingestion and Preparation

  • Data Collection: Gather structured and unstructured data from various sources (e.g., databases, documents, media files).
  • Data Ingestion: Set up data pipelines to import data into the knowledge mining platform.
  • Data Cleaning and Preprocessing: Ensure data quality by handling missing values, duplicates, and errors.

Week 3: Model Development and Training

  • Model Selection: Choose appropriate AI models (e.g., NLP, OCR) for text extraction and analysis.
  • Model Training: Train models using the ingested data, fine-tuning them for accuracy and relevance.
  • Feature Engineering: Extract and select key features from the data that will be used by the models.

Week 4: Implementation and Validation

  • System Integration: Integrate the trained models with existing systems (e.g., dashboards, databases).
  • Testing and Validation: Conduct user testing to validate model performance and gather feedback.
  • Final Adjustments: Make necessary adjustments based on user feedback and test results.
  • Presentation and Handover: Present the findings, demonstrate the solution, and hand over documentation and training materials to the client.

How Knowledge Minning works?

Knowledge mining involves three major steps.

  1. Ingest - Content is ingested via connectors from data sources and third-party data sources via connectors. Extract content from PDFs, Microsoft Word, PowerPoint, and CSV.
  2. Enrich - Content is enhanced by AI capabilities to extract insights, find trends and patterns, and deepen understanding.
  3. Explore - The newly indexed content is now available to explore through search, bots, visualization, dashboards, etc.

Get Started with Saxon's Document Intelligence

We help you discover value, understand data, and accelerate data to intelligence to make informed decisions faster. Your documents can be contracts, invoices, and documents of any type where we help you.

  • Cut down the cost.
  • Avoid manual effort to extract data.
  • Increase time to data.
  • Avoid Human errors
  • Open door to new opportunities
  • Make intelligence driven decisions.

Benefits of Knowledge mining:

  1. Cognitive Tasks Automation - AI models perform tasks like comprehension, analysis, and reasoning, extracting valuable insights from massive datasets.
  2. Custom Model Development - Knowledge mining seamlessly stitches custom models for specific scenarios, reducing time and costs associated with organizational tasks.
  3. Simplified Insight Access - It simplifies accessing latent insights within unstructured data, enhancing data usability.
  4. Informed decision Making - Stakeholders leverage insights from vast data to automate processes, identify risks, and explore new opportunities.
  5. Data Protection & compliance- Organizations classify and protect sensitive information, maintaining high compliance and governance standards.

Why Choose Saxon AI's Knowledge Minning Solution

Get Ready to transform the way you work and unleash the full potential of your organization with our knowledge mining services.

Reach out today at to kickstart your journey & discuss your requirements and guide you through the next steps.