Streamoid Outfitter

Streamoid Technologies

Streamoid Outfitter

Streamoid Technologies

Outfitter automates the creation and maintenance of outfit suggestions on a fashion retailer's site

Having suggested outfits on a fashion retail site is a tried and tested way of cross selling and mimics the one to one service that a customer would get in store. Yet how do you currently create outfits for your site? For the majority its still using a manual curation process, which usually shows the outfit the model is wearing in the PDP image. If this is the case what happens when the items go out of stock, a new product line is introduced or the customer’s style varies from that in the image? It results in the loss of a sale or at the very least a decrease in basket size. Streamoid’s outfitter product, automates the outfit creation process, utilising over 10,000 style rules, machine vision and the knowledge of our team of stylists. This allows for real time creation which adapts to stock levels, new trends and a customers own profile, showing that a customer can have an in store experience online. In short it allows for personalisation en masse, giving your customers a better experience, for a reduced cost, and reduced workload. Features - Trending Outfits: Created in accordance to current trends, and will adapt to changes within the industry - Geo-local styling: Outfits will be specific to a certain geography. If you are large enough to have a global presence, the outfits will be different from region to region, at the retailers discretion. - Stock level adaption: Outfits will adapt to stock levels of certain products, when low stock levels are recognised items featured in outfits will be replaced. - Style Communication: Multiple outfits are created for each product, named and tagged to give the user an understanding of what occasion or event they are best suited to.