Secure Cloud Development Environment

Secure Cloud Development Environment

Improve the efficiency, security and governance of your entire development process.

Strong Network delivers a self-hosted platform that allows organizations to manage the first secure Cloud Development Environments (CDEs). They use secure CDEs to provide access to their developers to ready-to-code linux development environments with native data security. We enable organizations to manage and provide access to secured linux development environments online - this allows large cost saving in IT, coping with developers working in any location, including from home on BYOD, easily protecting their assets (intellectual property, source code, data, credentials) against leaks, eliminating the need to send secure laptops to remote developers, enabling large scale computational resource sharing to maintain a "green" corporate IT infrastructure, in particular with the use of "thin (low-spec) device", without impeding the comfort of their developers. Built for any business who prioritises speed, agility & cost efficiencies within their SDLC & development communities. CDEs are spurring the fastest DevOps transformation trend today with the entire cloud-native development effort moving to this technology. They also recently became a new Gartner technology category where Strong Network is recognized as one of the vendors. Strong Network’s CDE platform delivers business benefits by: - Accelerating application delivery by improving developer experience and making development more productive - Reducing IT costs and management inefficiencies around development environments with standardization and centralization - Protecting intellectual property (PII, GDPR-sensitive, source code, ML models, etc) that is used and created during development