Azure DevOps to Github Actions Migration

Kodez Pty Ltd

Discover the power of GitHub Actions, and let our experienced team help you transition your Application code and CI/CD workflows from Azure DevOps to this innovative platform.

As your trusted Microsoft partner, we're delighted to introduce our migration service from Azure DevOps to GitHub Actions. GitHub Actions offers a robust ecosystem with extensive community support and a comprehensive marketplace. Migrating to GitHub Actions not only enhances the flexibility of your pipelines but also integrates seamlessly with the GitHub interface you are likely already using for your version control.

Our offer includes:

Migration Planning and Advisory: Our team will work with you to understand your existing Azure DevOps workflows and develop a strategic migration plan tailored to your needs.

Pipeline Migration: We'll take care of converting your Azure pipelines to GitHub Actions workflows, ensuring feature parity and smooth transition with minimal disruption.

Training and Support: We'll provide comprehensive training to your team on how to best utilize GitHub Actions and take advantage of its unique features. This includes ongoing support to ensure a seamless transition.

Security and Compliance: Our experts will help set up GitHub Actions in compliance with your security requirements, leveraging GitHub’s advanced security features.

Optimization: Post-migration, we'll help you optimize your workflows to leverage the full power of GitHub Actions, including parallelism, matrix builds, and more.